We survived the snow! Specialists in Pain Care now offers Botox injections for MIGRAINE and COSMETIC treatments. Ask at your next visit.

Life Is Better With Balance

Life Is Better With Balance

Opioid Reduction Program

The goal of the Opioid Reduction Program is to reduce the patient’s reliance on an unsustainable strategy (i.e., opioid pain medications) and increase their reliance on coping and life skills.

Each patient will have the program tailored to his or her own individual needs. It is not necessarily about abstinence, but more about balance – that is, to achieve an effective and sustainable opioid regimen.

The Opioid Reduction Program is not addiction treatment, and it is not a program for patients addicted to opioids.

To learn more, download our Opioid Reduction Program Brochure.

Are you currently taking opioid pain medication?

Take Our Opioid Risk Assessment